Simon, Angel

Status: Available
Sibling Case #: S590113218
Names: Simon, Angel
Case #s: 59012022044KJ, 5901202245KJ
Ages: 14, 10
Genders: Male, male
Race: Hispanic/Latino
State: Alabama
Last Profile Update: 07/31/23


English Narrative:

Simon, born 2009, is a quiet, happy child. He is best described as having a sweet personality. He loves listening to music and watching movies. He enjoys playing with Play Doh and his stuffed animals. When not playing with his toys, he loves to go to the beach and swimming. He does well in school and is very capable of learning new things.

Angel, born 2013, is a sweet and affectionate child. He is also happy and has a sense of humor. He loves to swing and play chase or tickle. He likes to play with his fidget toys or toys with strings. Another favorite activity of his is to be outside and to play in the water. Some of his favorite things to eat are: lemons, oranges, and goldfish crackers.

Simon and Angel would benefit from a home with a lot of structure, loving caregivers who can encourage them and meet their needs and love them.

***Photo Courtesy of Heart Gallery Alabama***