Xiomara, Fernanda, Dayna, Sofia, Victor, Gerardo, Dulce, Victoria

Status: Available
Sibling Case #: STX0113734
Names: Xiomara, Fernanda, Dayna, Sofia, Victor, Gerardo, Dulce, Victoria
Case #s: TX01108405, TX01108406, TX01108443, TX01108444, TX01108445, TX01108446, TX01108447, TX01108448
Ages: 14, 13, 11, 9, 7, 6, 4, 2
Genders: Female, female, female, female, male, male, female, female
Race: White/Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino
State: Texas
Last Profile Update: 03/15/24


English Narrative:

This sibling group of eight are extremely close and are not able to see their lives without each other in it. Xiomara is the oldest and often sees herself as a maternal figure as she has pride in caring for her younger siblings and wants the best for all her siblings. Fernanda is the second oldest, and like her older sister, she takes pride in caring for her younger siblings and has the strongest bond and relationship with younger sister, Dayna. Dayna is the third oldest and loves her siblings very much and is always excited to see her siblings. Sofia is the fourth oldest and is extremely active and keeps herself busy by playing indoors and outdoors. Sofia is extremely loving and enjoys giving and receiving physical affection such as kisses and hugs. Victor is the fifth oldest and has a close bond with his siblings, especially with his younger sibling, Gerardo, as they are the males in the sibling group. Gerardo is the sixth oldest and has the closest bond with his older brother and looks up to Victor as he is older. Gerardo enjoys playing with his toys and enjoys his time with his siblings. Dulce is the second youngest and is the most sentimental of the sibling group of eight. Dulce loves being given positive attention and feels most secure when her caregivers spend time with her. Victoria is the youngest of the sibling group. Her siblings often want to all take care of Victoria due to her being the youngest. Victoria is a sweet little girl who is closest to Dulce.

This sibling group of eight are extremely close and their forever family will provide them with love, compassion, patience and understanding. Their family will have knowledge of resources to assist with child development, and a strong family support system. Their family will have extensive experience in raising children and have knowledge of working with children that are in foster care. Their family will understand that each child has their unique attributes and may require more support, knowledge, and compassion in ensuring each child’s needs are met without any difficulties.