
Race:Black/African American
Case #:ZH188466888
Profile Updated:8/9/2023
Photo Updated:9/8/2022

My name is Chrystina, and I LOVE creative writing! I complete all my writing assignments with high marks, and it is no surprise that my favorite subject in school is English.

The stories I write are happy stories about friendship and the importance of making good friends. I wrote a story where my two main characters, Mr. & Ms. Crayon, ride around on a train with various other crayons. It is super funny. To me writing and reading go hand in hand, so I really enjoy them both.

I love my siblings and since I am the middle child, my name has a “Y” and not an “I”. My sisters like Legos, however; I LOVE Legos and I can play with them for hours and hours. I have several Lego sets and when I play with them, my imagination goes wild. Having pets is fine with me, I can take them or leave them, so it is up to you.

I write stories where I can create my best friend just like in the movie Frozen. Anna and Elsa were extremely close and that’s what I would really love; to have a loving family and friendships that will last me a lifetime.

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